What to do if your employer makes a counter offer

5 mins

The beginning to end process of searching for a new job can be a lengthy and a stressful pro...

The beginning to end process of searching for a new job can be a lengthy and a stressful process from the initial stages of perfecting your CV, interviewing and right through to accepting the offer. So what happens when you finally find that perfect role, you hand in your resignation, and your current boss makes you a better offer to stay? 

Companies try to keep their staff as long as they can, and when a desirable employee turns in his or her notice, many times a well-intentioned manager will try to talk the employee out of it with a financial incentive to stay. But before you accept that counteroffer as enticing it appears to be, it is important to keep a clear head, take a step back and consider the options available. 

Do's and Don'ts of counter-offers 


• Expect to get a counter- offer 

• Get the offer in writing 

• Check it extends beyond a pay rise and gain agreement on discussions regarding career prospects 

• Remember you are getting your next few years’ salary increase in advance 


• Be flattered and blinded by the attention 

• Forget what made you want to leave in the first place. Why did it take for you to resign? 

• Accept the offer immediately. Take time to consider it • Believe in a commitment that was never delivered before 

• Believe in transparency and change if it wasn’t there before If you have been given a counter offer by a current employer, make sure you consider it carefully and think about all the implications before you accept. 

For any advice please get in touch with your consultant at Four Seasons who will be happy to help should be in this situation.

Four Seasons Recruitment
Site by Venn