Tips for Better Customer Service: How to Help a Customer

5 Mins

When a potential customer walks into your store or boutique you need to:1) Be available in a...

When a potential customer walks into your store or boutique you need to:

1) Be available in a timely manner.

The first way to make your customer feel valued is by acknowledging them as soon as possible.

So when someone enters your store or boutique, you need to look up from your computer, stop stocking shelves or whatever else you're doing as soon as possible. If your work involves being away from the floor, such as working in stockroom or workshop area for part of the time, you need to have a system that alerts you when a customer enters so you can attend to them.

2) Greet the customer in a friendly but appropriate way.

Make eye contact, smile and say something such as, ""Hello. How may I help you today?""

Stop there. Allow the customer to respond.

3) Appear eager to help (but not in an aggressive manner that drives the customer away).

Doing points one and two properly are often all that's required to appear eager to help a customer. Do not continually trail customers about the store or interrupt them every two minutes and ask them how they’re doing.

Customers who have responded to the initial question by saying something such as, ""I just thought I'd take a look around"" should be approached after an acceptable period of time (which will vary depending on the type of Business, floor layout etc.) and asked if they have any questions or if they've found what they're looking for.

4) Help the customer by directly addressing the customer's request/solving the customer's problem.

Show that you're actively listening to the customer by making eye contact, nodding, or even jotting down a note. If necessary, ask clarifying questions when the customer has finished speaking to get more details that will enable you to solve the customer's problem. Do not interrupt a customer when he or she is speaking. You can't listen when your mouth is moving.

Be a brand ambassador. Be sure that you know your products inside and out. For good customer service, tell customers what they want to know, not everything you know about it.

5) Be cheerful, courteous and respectful throughout the customer service interaction.

 6) Close the customer service interaction appropriately.

You should finish helping a customer by actively suggesting a next step. If he or she is ready to make a purchase at this point, escort or direct the customer to the checkout where you or someone else will go through the payment procedure with the customer. If the customer is not ready to buy at this point, your suggested next step might be a further invitation to engage with the merchandise or service such as, ""Is there anything else I can help you with?"", ""Would you like a brochure?"", or ""Would you like to try that on?"" You should never just say something such as, ""Here you go"" or ""Okay, then"" and move on.

Thank the Customer at the end of the sale and ask if they need directions to the next Department.

The Tricky Part of Customer Service

I know it's basic, but providing good customer service is simple. The tricky part of it is providing good customer service to all your customers all the time. Hopefully these tips for better customer service will help you accomplish that.

Four Seasons Recruitment
Site by Venn