The Impact of Social Media on the Fashion Industry

5 mins

As the fashion industry has embraced social media, brands are expanding their horizons and o...

As the fashion industry has embraced social media, brands are expanding their horizons and opening their doors to personal contact and adding humanity, emotion and opinion. From fashion blogs, to the live streaming of catwalk shows, and the social shopping where we can view opinions on different pieces of clothing through Facebook and Twitter, the fashion industry quickly evolving. We live in the digital era, where it is imperative that social media is used as a marketing tool to avoid being left behind. With people checking their smart devices over one-hundred and fifty times a day on average, social media allows fashion and retail brands to find new and interesting ways to connect with their consumers on a more personal level. Instantaneously, the drastic change in communication allows users to participate, follow and discuss any trend and fashion news and purchase fashion items easily online. 

No matter how big or small a brand is, they are able to communicate with a larger scaled audience. Top brands like Burberry, Urban Outfitters, and Louis Vuitton are promoting exclusive clothing and have become more accessible to the general public via social networking. Not only do brands and retailers use social media to speak with their consumers, they use it to listen to them as well. The feedback businesses can receive from various social media platforms is mostly based on emotional response, this means the companies receive honest feedback without really asking. Social media has made it easier for any company to listen to crucial feedback. Fashion bloggers in particular have become pivotal element of the success of many brands. Brand leaders are looking to them not only to provide feedback on their products, but also to be a link between themselves and their target consumers. With this understanding of the impact Social Media has had on the fashion industry; demands are higher than ever for talented Social Media Managers and Coordinators as a key function within brand marketing teams. Given that this medium of communication is constantly evolving, it is paramount that candidates that may be interested in entering this line of work are consistently learning about the developments within Social Media and how this form of engagement may allow for key opportunities for brands to truly make a difference and gain greater reach and connection with their loyal customers. 

It is exciting times for us all and how and what may come into the future is anyone’s guess! If you have skills within this area and would like to explore what opportunities may exist for you then please make contact with me today on or 020 8237 8900

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