How To Make Yourself More Marketable As A Candidate

5 Mins

If you’ve found yourself for applying for job after job but not securing those vital f...

If you’ve found yourself for applying for job after job but not securing those vital first interviews, it can be a very frustrating. However, it’s important not to get too down about this and do something positive about it. We take a look at some simple, easy to do things to make yourself more marketable as a candidate to get you that fashion job you desire.

Spruce Up Your CV

When was the last time that you took a good look at your CV? When did you last update it? If you’ve not done so for a while then it could be doing you a disservice in your job search. You may have not added extra skills that you have gained or qualifications that you have studied for. These could be key to getting you an interview and could lead you to being offered that dream job in fashion.

Take A Course

Something that lots of employers look for is evidence that potential employees are proactive and are keen to improve themselves. Undertaking a course that is linked to your career (or even it not) is a great signal to send to a potential employer. It shows that you are keen not to stagnate and are keen to learn. The course you choose could be a paid one at a local college or university or it could be one of the growing number of MOOC (Massive Online Open Courses) that are offered by some of the world’s top universities free of charge.


Volunteering is a great way to make yourself more marketable as a candidate. You may wish to volunteer in some way that is fashion related but it’s not necessary for your volunteering to be closely related to your career. Volunteering for local community groups, charities or organisations such as St John's Ambulance or the Samaritans tend to make you a stronger, all round candidate.

Practice Your Interview Skills

If you find that you are getting interviews but not getting any further in the recruitment process then why not start to practice some basic interview skills? You’ll undoubtedly know what sort of questions you have been asked before so try to have some strong answers prepared. Whilst they may not come up in all interviews, you’ll be in a much stronger position to answer them and give a better account of yourself.

Give Yourself A Makeover

Working, or wanting to work in the fashion industry should mean that you are aware of the power of clothes. Have you ever thought about changing what you are wearing for interviews? A stylish new suit or a fantastic pair of shoes can not just make you look more like the perfect candidate but more importantly give you a real spring in your step and confidence boost.

Making yourself more marketable as a candidate is actually quite a simple thing to do and can bring big dividends. Follow our advice and your dream fashion career may be closer than you think.

Four Seasons Recruitment
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