First Job In The Fashion Industry? How To Make An Impact.

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Starting a new job can be a scary prospect for anyone but if it is your first role in the fa...

Starting a new job can be a scary prospect for anyone but if it is your first role in the fashion industry then it can be doubly so. With fashion being one of the most popular industries that people want to work in it can be a bit overwhelming knowing that thousands of people may have applied for your position. What you have to remember is that they chose YOU and have placed their faith in YOU and it’s up to you to make the most of this opportunity. 

Your first few weeks in a job can often affect how successful and happy you will be in that role in the future so it is essential that you make a positive impact as soon as you start, not just with your bosses but with your colleagues too. Make a good first impression and form those vital relationships with your colleagues and bosses and you’ll have a fantastic foundation to build your career in the fashion industry. 

Dress Appropriately Depending upon the company you work for and your role within that company, it may be completely appropriate for you to wear your own designs, however crazy or innovative they may be. It may be perfectly acceptable to wear clothes by designers that are cutting edge and a little bit ‘different’. But the fashion industry is wide and diverse and in some roles and companies you will be expected to dress professionally and very formally. If in any doubt at all, talk to your recruiter or ask the company before you start to avoid any misunderstandings. 

Throw Yourself Into The Team Whilst the visible face of the fashion industry is may be famous designers and models wearing their designs, the fact is there are a huge amount of people all pulling together to make these magical creations happen. Not just on the creative side but on the logistical side too, from marketing and sales to business support, PR and finance. It’s vital that these (and the many other stakeholders involved) pull together to make things work. 

That means wherever your role fits in fashion, being a team player is essential and you need to throw yourself into every project. Being proactive like this not only impresses your bosses, but helping colleagues out and being warm, open and friendly helps make those vital relationships that will be at the core of your future career. Be Social Thankfully, it’s not all work and no play in the fashion industry and often some of the best networking you’ll ever do in this industry will be done out of work. 

Whether it’s a few drinks after work, a meal to celebrate a colleague’s birthday, hitting the gym with some colleagues or attending fashion events together, being social will really help your fashion career. Mixing outside of the confines of work is a great way for them to get to know the real you. By getting involved early on, it shows that you want to make a real go of your new job and really bond with your new colleagues.

Four Seasons Recruitment
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