Business Development - the key to success

5 mins

According to recent figures from the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC), confide...

According to recent figures from the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC), confidence in UK recruitment is growing higher. 

The REC found that on average recruitment agencies received a satisfaction rating of 93%. The report goes on to reassure us that almost three quarters of employers believe that the conditions of our economy are consistently improving and that 86% of hirers plan to add to their permanent workforce over the next quarter. As an Associate Recruitment Consultant this is great news! Business development is key to successfully gaining new clients and taking advantage of this upturn in economy. For some, business development can be quite daunting, you have to grow accustomed to making many cold calls, handling rejection gracefully and be very target driven. But the results can be very rewarding. Business development not only benefits the client but also the candidate. 

When we have your CV in our hands, we make a professional commitment to target the most relevant companies and roles with you in mind. Growing our client base is key to offering the most interesting and relevant opportunities.

Four Seasons Recruitment
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