5 Reasons why hiring temporary staff can help your business thrive.

5 mins

Four Seasons’ Associate Director, Amber Spinthiras, looks at how to navigate unexpecte...

Four Seasons’ Associate Director, Amber Spinthiras, looks at how to navigate unexpected surprises in business and how hiring temporary staff can help you thrive. 

Whether you’re looking to navigate times of transition and change, or simply looking to guide your business in a new direction, temporary staff are a great solution. 

This has been no truer than in the past few years, where temporary staff have played a vital role in allowing organisations to continue trading and meet market demands. Keyworkers, for example. Most business leaders plan for the long term, and so they should. But we all know that in business, as with life, things never quite work out the way we expect them to. 

Is a member of staff due to be on parental leave? 

Are you about to embark on a big project or pop-up? 

Do you need an extra pair of hands to keep up with rising demand? 

Here are 5 reasons why hiring temporary staff can help you reduce the impact of curveballs and help your business to thrive. 

1. Reduced Costs Employing temporary staff means that your only costs are a pre-agreed hourly rate. Payroll, National Insurance Contributions and Holiday are all handled by your recruitment partner, meaning that you only need to sign a timesheet at the end of each week! 

2. Shorter Hiring Times The process for hiring temporary staff is much quicker. References are on hand and no notice periods need to be observed. Whether you need cover for just a day, or a more extended project we can match someone to your specific needs quickly and efficiently. 

3. Instant Impact As temporary staff are hired for a particular purpose, they typically do not need to spend weeks familiarising themselves with the working environment, be trained on a wealth of new systems or undergo any long-term training. Their sole remit is to add value to your business by undertaking a specific activity that they can pick up and run with from the moment they walk through the door. 

4. New Perspectives Sometimes it just needs one outsider, with a fresh pair of eyes, to completely change how a process or business operates. The more temps you hire, the more opportunities there are to breathe some new life into your business. 

5. Flexibility Perhaps the single most recognised benefit of hiring temporary employees is that they are flexible. They allow you to react to business or market needs, as they happen. They can also help you to establish whether your short-term need is a long term requirement.

Four Seasons Recruitment
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