5 Tips For The Start of Your Career

5 Mins

1. Work out what you’re good atTake the time to understand your strengths and weakness...

1. Work out what you’re good at

Take the time to understand your strengths and weaknesses and think about the kind of work you enjoy. This will help guide your choice of career.

2. Broaden your experience

The start of your career is a great time to diversify your skill set. Not only will it make you more appealing to employers, it will also give you the opportunity to work out which responsibilites you like and dislike, and therefore what direction you want to progress your career into in the future.

3. Get yourself out there

Don’t sit around waiting for the perfect job to fall into your lap. Attend relevant events, network with useful people, do an internship. This will all help you to stand out, meet new people and discover opportunites that you wouldn’t find on a job board.

 4. Don’t limit yourself

It is easy to become too focussed on trying to get a very specific job. But by doing this you are narrowing your chances of employment and missing out on other opportunites that you may enjoy even more. At the start of your career you can afford to try out a few different options.

5. Start now

It’s never too early to get the ball rolling. Start researching companies you are interested in. Follow them on LinkedIn and keep and eye out for any jobs vacancies that come up with them. 


Four Seasons Recruitment
Site by Venn